Installation/Setp up


To unleash the fully functionality of SEPIA, four external libraries, which are freely available for academic purposes, are required, namely MEDI toolbox, STI suite, FANSI toolbox and SEGUE. You can download these toolboxes/libraries using the following links:

If you encounter any difficulty to download these toolboxes please let us know by opening a new issue in the GitHub page.

Installation of SEPIA

Once you have all the toolboxes in place, then you have to specify the directory of each toolbox in SpecifyToolboxesDirectory.m:

MEDI_HOME = '/path/to/MEDI/toolbox/';
STISuite_HOME = '/path/to/STISuite/toolbox/';
FANSI_HOME = '/path/to/FANSI/toolbox/';
SEGUE_HOME = '/path/to/SEGUE/library/;'


The variable names of the toolboxes’ paths are changed from ‘_dir’ to ‘_HOME’. Please update your SpecifyToolboxesDirectory.m file accordingly to avoid error.

For example, I have all my external toolboxes stored under the SEPIA home directory. Additionally, for each toolbox, I have different copies representing different versions when they were published


and here is an example of how is my SpecifyToolboxesDirectory.m defined:

% 1. sepcify the toolbox version you want to run
MEDI_version        = 'MEDI_toolbox_20200115';
FANSI_version       = 'FANSI-toolbox-dc68c306/';
STISuite_version    = 'STISuite_V3.0';
SEGUE_version       = 'SEGUE_14122018';

% 2. get the Sepia HOME directory from this script
fullName        = mfilename('fullpath');
SEPIA_HOME      = fileparts(fullName);

% 3. specify the top level of external dependency directory
external_dir    = [SEPIA_HOME filesep 'external' filesep];

% 4. specify the parent directory of each toolbox
MEDI_dir       = [external_dir 'MEDI_toolbox' filesep];
FANSI_dir      = [external_dir 'FANSI_toolbox' filesep];
STISuite_dir   = [external_dir 'STI_Suite' filesep];
SEGUE_dir      = [external_dir 'SEGUE' filesep];

% 5. sepcify the final destination of each toolbox you want to run in Sepia
MEDI_HOME        = [MEDI_dir        MEDI_version        filesep];
FANSI_HOME       = [FANSI_dir       FANSI_version       filesep];
STISuite_HOME    = [STISuite_dir    STISuite_version    filesep];
SEGUE_HOME       = [SEGUE_dir       SEGUE_version       filesep];

IMPORTANT: Please do not modify the original structure of these toolboxes, SEPIA searches the path of the related functions based on the original folder structure.

Finally, you have to add the directory containing sepia.m, i.e. the SEPIA HOME directory, to your MATLAB PATH

This can be done by: ‘Set Path’ -> ‘Add Folder’ -> /your/sepia/directory/ -> ‘Save’

(Caution: To ensure only the selected algorithm is used for the QSM processing, please do not manually add the paths to the external toolboxes you want to run in SEPIA to the Matlab PATH, the sepia_addpath function will do the job for you:).)


with MATLAB’s command: addpath('/your/sepia/directory')

Now you can start the GUI by entering sepia in the MATLAB’s command window.


SEPIA is developed mainly in MATLAB R2016b in Linux and macOS. In general, all methods should compatible with earlier MATLAB versions up to R2014b. Most of the methods should also compatible with MATLAB R2017a or later, and other OS, except the following functions/algorithms

  • Laplacian Boundary Value (LBV) for background field removal


    If the LBV algorithm doesn’t work on your operating system, you can go to the ‘_LBV’ directory of the MEDI toolbox and try the following command in the Matlab command window to re-compile the library: mex mexMGv6.cpp

  • Graphcut for phase unwrapping